Masonic Rank

The below is to help Masons and none Masons understand what the abbreviations are next to a brothers name


Provincial Grand Master ProvGM
Deputy Provincial Grand Master DepProvGM
Assistant Provincial Grand Master AProvGM
Provincial Senior Grand Warden ProvSGW
Provincial Junior Grand Warden ProvJGW
Provincial Grand Chaplain ProvGChap
Provincial Grand Registrar ProvGReg
Provincial Grand Treasurer ProvGTreas
Provincial Grand Secretary ProvGSec
Provincial Grand Director of Ceremonies ProvGDC
Provincial Grand Sword Bearer ProvGSwdB
Provincial Grand Superintendent of Works ProvGSuptWks
Provincial Deputy Grand Chaplain ProvDepGChap
Provincial Deputy Grand Registrar ProvDepGReg
Provincial Deputy Grand Secretary ProvDepGSec
Provincial Deputy Grand Director of Ceremonies ProvDepGDC
Provincial Deputy Grand Sword Bearer ProvDepGSwdB
Provincial Deputy Grand Superintendent of Works ProvDepSuptWks
Provincial Grand Almoner ProvGAlm
Provincial Grand Charity Steward ProvGChStwd
Provincial Senior Grand Deacon ProvSGD
Provincial Junior Grand Deacon ProvJGD
Provincial Assistant Grand Chaplain ProvAGChap
Provincial Assistant Grand Registrar ProvAGReg
Provincial Assistant Grand Secretary ProvAGSec
Provincial Assistant Grand Director of Ceremonies ProvAGDC
Provincial Assistant Grand Sword Bearer ProvAGSwdB
Provincial Assistant Grand Superintendent of Works ProvAGSuptWks
Provincial Grand Organist ProvGOrg
Provincial Grand Standard Bearer ProvGStB
Provincial Assistant Grand Standard Bearer ProvAGStB
Provincial Deputy Grand Organist ProvDepGOrg
Provincial Grand Pursuivant ProvGPurs
Provincial Grand Steward ProvGStwd
Provincial Grand Tyler ProvGTyler


Past Provincial Grand Master PProvGM
Past Deputy Provincial Grand Master PDepProvGM
Past Assistant Provincial Grand Master PAProvGM
Past Provincial Senior Grand Warden PProvSGW
Past Provincial Junior Grand Warden PProvJGW
Past Provincial Grand Chaplain PProvGChap
Past Provincial Grand Registrar PProvGReg
Past Provincial Grand Treasurer PProvGTreas
Past Provincial Grand Secretary PProvGSec
Past Provincial Grand Director of Ceremonies PProvGDC
Past Provincial Grand Sword Bearer PProvGSwdB
Past Provincial Grand Superintendent of Works PProvGSuptWks
Past Provincial Deputy Grand Chaplain PProvDepGChap
Past Provincial Deputy Grand Registrar PProvDepGReg
Past Provincial Deputy Grand Secretary PProvDepGSec
Past Provincial Deputy Grand Director of Ceremonies PProvDepGDC
Past Provincial Deputy Grand Sword Bearer PProvDepGSwdB
Past Provincial Deputy Grand Superintendent of Works PProvDepSuptWks
Past Provincial Grand Almoner PProvGAlm
Past Provincial Grand Charity Steward PProvGChStwd
Past Provincial Senior Grand Deacon PProvSGD
Past Provincial Junior Grand Deacon PProvJGD
Past Provincial Assistant Grand Chaplain PProvAGChap
Past Provincial Assistant Grand Registrar PProvAGReg
Past Provincial Assistant Grand Secretary PProvAGSec
Past Provincial Assistant Grand Director of Ceremonies PProvAGDC
Past Provincial Assistant Grand Sword Bearer PProvAGSwdB
Past Provincial Assistant Grand Superintendent of Works PProvAGSuptWks
Past Provincial Grand Organist PProvGOrg
Past Provincial Grand Standard Bearer PProvGStB
Past Provincial Assistant Grand Standard Bearer PProvAGStB
Past Provincial Deputy Grand Organist PProvDepGOrg
Past Provincial Grand Pursuivant PProvGPurs
Past Provincial Grand Steward PProvGStwd
Past Provincial Grand Tyler PProvGTyler


Senior Grand Warden SGW
Junior Grand Warden JGW
President to the Grand Charity PresGChar
President of the New Masonic Samaritan Fund PresNMSF
Grand Secretary GSec
Grand Director of Ceremonies GDC
Grand Sword Bearer GSwdB
Grand Superintendent of Works GSuptWks
Deputy Grand Director of Ceremonies DepGDC
Deputy Grand Sword Bearer DepGSwdB
Senior Grand Deacon SGD
Junior Grand Deacon JGD
Assistant Grand Director of Ceremonies AGDC
Assistant Grand Sword Bearer AGSwdB
Assistant Grand Superintendent of Works AGSuptWks
Grand Standard Bearer GStB
Assistant Grand Standard Bearer AGStB
Grand Steward GStwd

[Past Ranks should be prefixed by a “P” eg PSGD = Past Senior Grand