Officers for 2024-25

In most Lodges there are eleven non-progressive officers and seven progressive officers.

Lodge officers are recognisable by the jewels suspended from their Lodge collars (these are illustrated below) and from the positions they occupy in a Lodge.

Usually, each year a Brother would progress through these offices on a path from Steward, via the Deacons and Wardens, to the highest honour within a Lodge – the Worshipful Master. However, each office is subject to the choice of the Master for the year.

  1. Worshipful Master

    W.Bro Paul Spann W.Bro

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    The Master is elected by the Lodge members every year and is then installed in to his office. He is usually Master for one year. He is in charge of the Lodge during his tenure of office and acts as its chairman.

    He also normally conducts the ceremonies in the Lodge. Being elected and installed as Master is the highest honour a Lodge can bestow on any of its members.

  2. Immediate Past Master

    W.Bro Keith Fear P.Pr.S.G.D

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    Although not actually an office (as the position is his by right), the IPM is normally the previous Master and acts as a guide and support to the Master when needed. He sits on the immediate left of the Worshipful Master.

  3. Senior Warden

    W.Bro Keith Fear P.Pr.S.G.D

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    The Senior Warden sits opposite the Master at the West end of the Lodge and is usually the next Master. Although their roles are different, they work together by assisting the Master in running the Lodge.

  4. Junior Warden

    W.Bro Gerald Butler P. Pr. G. Swd. B.

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    The Junior Warden sits in the South of the Lodge and will normally progress to Senior Warden. It is the role of the Junior Warden to ensure that no unqualified person enters the Lodge. Although their roles are different, they work together by assisting the Master in running the Lodge.

  5. Senior Deacon

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    The Deacons accompany the candidate during the ceremonies of the Three Degrees in the Lodge. The collar jewel for both Deacons is identical. They carry a wand as a badge of their office.

  6. Junior Deacon

    Bro Graeme McLeish

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    The Deacons accompany the candidate during the ceremonies of the Three Degrees in the Lodge. The collar jewel for both Deacons is identical. They carry a wand as a badge of their office.

  7. Inner Guard

    W.Bro David Bridge

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    The Inner Guard sits just inside the door of the Lodge. He is responsible for checking that all those who enter the Lodge are qualified to do so.

  8. Tyler

    W.Bro George Tipton P.Pr.S.G.D

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    The Tyler guards the outside of the door to the entrance of the Lodge. It is usually undertaken by an experienced member of the Lodge and is an elected office. He has responsibility for preparing the candidates prior to their entering the Lodge.

  9. Treasurer

    W.Bro Michael A. Turner P.Pr. A. G. Purs

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    The Treasurer is responsible for Lodge finances. He produces annual accounts, which are audited before being approved by the Lodge. Subscriptions are decided in Lodge on the Treasurer’s recommendation.

  10. Secretary

    W.Bro Steven J. Lowe JP, P. Pr. A. G. Std. B.

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    The Secretary has responsibility for the smooth administration of the Lodge. He is the main conduit for communication from Grand Lodge and his Provincial Grand Lodge (if the Lodge is out of London) or from the Metropolitan Grand Lodge of London.

    He is also responsible for organising and distributing the summons notifying the members of the agenda for the next meeting.

  11. Chaplain

  12. Director of Ceremonies

    W.Bro Phil Johnson P. Pr. A . G D. C

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    The role of the DC is to organise and oversee the ceremonies held in the Lodge and to ensure all other officers concerned in any ritual are aware of their roles. This is usually achieved by meticulous rehearsals. It is also part of his responsibilities to see that the ceremonies are conducted with dignity and decorum.

  13. Assistant Director of Ceremonies

    W.Bro Tony Fletcher P.Pr. A . G D. C

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    The role of the ADC is to assist the DC and oversee the ceremonies held in the Lodge and to ensure all other officers concerned in any ritual are aware of their roles. This is usually achieved by meticulous rehearsals. It is also part of his responsibilities to see that the ceremonies are conducted with dignity and decorum.

  14. Almoner

    W.Bro Gerald Butler P. Pr. G. Swd. B.

  15. Charity Steward

    W.Bro Steven J. Lowe JP, P. Pr. A. G. Std. B.

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    The role of the Charity Steward is to organise the charity collections in the Lodge and to suggest to the Lodge to which charities (Masonic or non-Masonic) the members may wish to subscribe.

  16. Mentor

    W.Bro Tony Fletcher P.Pr. A . G D. C